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"Ich bin ein Etrusker" MAEC Cortona

The exhibition by Stefano Favaretto represents a double symbolic journey in search of those that are the main archetypes of the human mind defined by Jung but also by the current psychology referable to the Etruscan period and to many other eras connected to the current reality. Photographing the "invisible" of the ancient Etruscans, Favaretto brings hidden elements back to the surface that have always been enclosed in the myth but not for this reason non-existent and places them reflexively before our eyes through surprising mirrored images.

These elements are, according to the artist, the bridge between the material and non-material or spiritual world, clearly demonstrating a connection between both from each historical period.

The archetypal artistic exploration takes place in twofold guises: on the one hand through the direct immersion in the Etruscan reality connected to the creation of the famous Etruscan wine by Francesco Mondini, a producer who thanks to his studies but above all to his true Etruscan nature transmitted to him by his grandfather, succeeded with passion and love for the earth to bring back to life an ancient tradition now gone. Francesco Mondini is a "true Etruscan" who embodies the spirit of this ancient people through pure contact with nature, through respect for the environment and in love for the family and traditions. In him and in his work various archetypal elements are incarnated, including that of contact with mother earth that gives the precious fruits to make wine, but which it can also remove them, the archetype of the warrior who fights with his own limits and with his own fears for believing in one's dream, the archetype of love for the earth, for the environment and for one's family, the archetype of the most hidden fear dictated by daily difficulties, the archetype of the creator or divine in which to believe and to whom to entrust one's hopes and the archetype of the old wise who knows his own limits and the laws of mother earth.

The second exploratory field of Favaretto is the most classic of the Etruscan museums and artifacts, seeking through a careful eye elements of the Etruscan culture that can still be traced back to the present day. One above all is perhaps the detail of the famous "sarcophagus of the spouses" that catapults us into a mystical reality where the looks of lovers, caught by the artist, full of passion and desire are united "forever" through the sacred heart of love .

The third exploratory phase takes place in nature connected to the places inhabited by the Etruscans or by peoples in relation to them in search of elements visible only to very sensitive eyes that bear witness to the greatness of this magnificent people. Among these stands out the undoubtedly incredible face emerged from a quartz detail of the Elbe very similar to the sculptural representation of Dionysus for the Greeks and the Romans and of Fufluns for the Etruscans.

Therefore, a complete research that highlights how the Etruscan civilization presented many archetypal elements still present today, thus highlighting the topicality and the profound cultural value of this magnificent people.


Maec museum

Maec museum

Maec museum

Maec museum



The god of the tabula

The god of the tabula

In the cave

In the cave

The little owl of Felsina

The little owl of Felsina

The kiss

The kiss

Stefano Favaretto artist

Stefano Favaretto artist

In the cave

In the cave

The king of the vineyard

The king of the vineyard



The warrior

The warrior



Maec museum

Maec museum

The old wise

The old wise

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